Oh, I am so sad this week.
This is my second to last week for both my internships! I can't believe that this week is almost half over! Soon, my last day of my internship will be here.
As an intern under the Historian and Exhibitions Curator, I have learned a lot. Mind you a good chunk of my internship was spent filing away on the computer, I have also gotten to do some pretty amazing things. One of my favorite memories is Erik (my boss) walking up to me and saying "So, we're going to need an 18th century Spanish style saddle for the exhibit. Can you see if you can find one?" and hands me a phonebook.
I found one. Yes! That's right, I found one. Not only did I find one, I found an original; and got it on loan at no extra cost. I called one number, which led to the jotting down of three, which led to...well the rest is history. While doing so I also got an invitation to an "invitation only" museum, made friends with an auctioneer (for future exhibits) and a private collector who owned the saddle.
I have gotten to shift through the personal history of people that I have never met; slowly going through the papers and files, trying to piece their lives together, for other to view. You learn to develop a strong respect; what if this had been your grandmother? A great aunt that had been forgotten? You get so involved in their lives (plus I got to wear gloves while going through the stuff, and that always makes me feel cool).

My internship at the fashion PR company isn't technically over. There's a HUGE legendary biannual fashion trade show that I may be attending in the next couple of months with my boss. Also, there is the annual fashion show/charity event (remember? My internship started right after their first one) that will be held in May that I will be participating with. I'm in charge of the fashion show, and am one of the models! (Not quite sure how I will handle those two, at the same time.) So the good news is that I don't have to say goodbye quite yet. (My museum office below)
These past six months I have learned so much. I have learned to pick up the phone and say "Hi, my name is Amber, and we would like Rosario Dawson to participate in our annual Piensa Mas Alla event" and then calmly say "OK great" when she says yes. I have been a backstage assistant/stylist for midnight fashion shows in San Francisco, while teetering in 4.5 inch heels. Ihave designed shirts for my boss. I have been holed up in messy curatorial offices for hours. Hammered my nails, while posting up the identification cards for 150 year old pieces of local art.
It's been great.
Also, I've got an interview for quite possibly the most exciting thing yet.