I'm sure you have all heard by now...
This was the news I woke up to, and quite honestly if there are any typing mishaps, I blame it on the tears. When I first started this blog, it was all about McQueen and how much I loved him. It didn't matter where I was: flipping through a magazine, walking through high end stores...If ever I found a piece that spoke to me; shouted my name at the very top of its lungs, it was by him, without fail.
After a while I began to notice the pattern: If I loved it, if it spoke to me, if it seemed to have been taken from the very far corners of my mind, and if it was something that I desired - if it was 1 step (or 5 steps) ahead of what I knew I wanted, then it must be by Alexander McQueen.
Alexander McQueen.
You were my northern star.
Remember how you ruffled everyone's skirts over at LVMH: Givenchy? Remember the spray paint catwalk? God, Spring 2010 was the.most.incredible display of your talent I have ever seen. It was beyond genius. Beyond so much that any other designer in your day has been able to achieve. You took me and so many others by storm! By hurricane, by flood.
I often wondered how you would top this season..."what will he do now?" But now, we will never know, will we?
You left much too soon.