Miss Jennifer Fabulous from I Know, Right? Has kindly awarded me the Stylish Blogger Award!
What an honor. Thank you so much Jennifer! I highly recommended hopping on to over her blog - you will love her quirky writing and outlook on life, and her humorous spin on stories.
BAM! The award:
As a receiver of the award, I am to make 7 little known facts about myself, known. So, in an act of good faith in my beloved readers, here you go:
1.One time in college, I stood on a street with a group of picketers, protesting. Once I realized just how nutso my group was, I dropped my sign, crossed the street, and protested with the opposing side. Good times.
2.I have recently noticed that I have absolutely no clue how to apply or use eye shadow in a satisfactory manner.
3. I disdain violence. I have walked out of theaters.
4.I daydream about the day scientists and designers combine their powers and create a shoe that won't kill my feet.
5. Green tea ice cream. Rose sorbet. Mochi. So Good coconut yogurt. Nutella. Back to Nature Wheat Crackers. 'Nuf said.
6.I am continually dressed up, with nowhere to go.
7.All my roads (will eventually) lead to France.
Aaand bonus! 8. Fruit jams, really really creep me out. I get the shivers just thinking about that stuff.
Also, I am to pass this award to 7 other stylish bloggers! Please check these girls out!
PS And a big welcome to my new followers Megan from The Martian Tide, and Dorota from Jewellery Bijou! Welcome you guys! Thank you so much for becoming followers!