A Lifestyle website by Amber Lucas: travel, wine, and culture.

Wonder Wednesday: If I had to choose...Fashion Blogger highlight

I have to admit - I am quite picky about the blogs that make it on to my blog roll. For one thing, I absolutely cannot stand it when a blogger never seems to wear an item of clothing more than once. I know it's a little silly, but for me it completely detaches the blogger from the reality of which I'm in. Sure - there are some bloggers out there who really can afford not to wear the same thing more than once. I'm certainly not one of them: but I wish all the very best to those who are. I've got nothing against them. I just want to be able to relate, you know?

One thing I love is when bloggers mix high end items with finds from Forever 21, or thifted items (thrifted - because "vintage" can still cost $500...), or items that they have bought from street vendors. It makes my heart happy. It gives me the chance to think that maybe I can do the same too.

With all that being said, I thought I would share with you two bloggers whose blogs I visit frequently. One I love for her crazy layering style, and the other I feel pure comradery for.

Blair, from Atlantic-Pacific

Now, I am not one to really layer up when dressing for the day. However after reading Blair's blog, I am compelled to try. With fall fast approaching, I cannot wait to give layering a try! She also has my respect because she re-wears items on her blog. The bow in the photo below I have seen her use as a pin, and I have seen she striped shirt worn with pants as well. I think it takes creativity and thinking outside of the box to re-work the same items into different outfits, and Blair has these talents in spades! Plus, she's a fellow Bay-Area-er, which always helps.

Haleigh of Making Magique

I love love love Haleigh's blog! She was my inpsiration when packing for Paris last February, and her blog has been a constant joy to read. As a fellow Californian who has conquered my dream of making the permanent move to Paris, she is someone I admire. 

Now, I have no illusions: this girl has wealth. I will probably never own my very own apartment in Paris and then have enough money to fully renovate it - and also have a getaway condo in southern France. Her style is playful and whimsical, often mixing her MIU MIU and Chanel with street vendor finds. Her way of dressing is quintessentially young, and I absolutely love her for it.
Yet what separates Making Magique from other immensely popular blogs is that Haleigh doesn't flaunt or brag about what she has been blessed with. She doesn't hide who she is, she makes no apologies, but she doesn't rub it in your face either.

And what about you dear readers? What blogs and bloggers inspire you?
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