A Lifestyle website by Amber Lucas: travel, wine, and culture.

A brief review // HAPPY NEW YEAR!

2011 has been one of growth for me. It has been one of self doubt, struggle, crashing computers, new jobs, new opportunities, family drama, travel, and my very first cruise. I acquired a stalker this year. I took a break from blogging, and relaunched my online store, Amberie. I made new friendships, and rekindled old ones. This year my readership doubled, and I sold a years worth of advertising.  Jennifer from I know, Right? became a permanent fixture on the blog with her own monthly feature. I bought my first DSLR. I colored my hair pink, dyed it black (twice) and then brown. I learned how to give my cat pills. I discovered what SEO meant. Returned to France, and had the joy of sharing the city that will forever own my heart with my boyfriend. Discovered Puerto Vallarta. I became Alice in Wonderland.

And then there was you. You my dear reader. I have not had to struggle alone because of you. This year the blog got a lot more personal. I shared with you my frustrations, fears, and the twilight world that I sometimes get caught up in as a fashion blogger. I shared with you my fear and anger of my "cruise ship stalker". I shared with you my joy of re-launching Amberie - some of you even featured it on your blogs. You gave me words of comfort and encouragement though the hard times, and you were there for the high-fives in the times of joy. For that, thank you. You have kept me grounded.

I learned valuable lessons this year. Perhaps two of the most pertinent were: I cannot live in the past. While staying with my grandfather this summer (where I became Alice in Wonderland), I came to discover that living in the past can often result in the over-romancing of the past. Rose tinted glasses can sometimes be dangerous. Lessons are not learned that way. When I returned to my Alma Mater I discovered that I was a stranger in what was once my own home. We cannot thrive in the past; we must keep moving forward.

The second lesson that I learned is that I cannot live through others. No philosophical thought here. You are the best you; no one else can be you like you.  

© A•Mused

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