Hi loves. Let's have a heart to heart, shall we? I have decided to take Amber's Mouthwash in a different direction. A dead end, mainly. Now, I have been told that I tend to be somewhat dramatic by nature (I studied Fine Art and French in college - it is to be expected); so when I say that "Amber's Mouthwash" has come to a dead end, I do not want it to be misunderstood as this blog coming is to an end. It's not. I promise. What I am trying to say (in a somewhat dramatic manner) is that I have decided to change the name of my blog.
When I first started blogging, the title "Amber's Mouthwash" made perfect sense to me. I was in my last year of college, and I had dual internships that gave me amazing insights into two worlds I so very much wanted to be a part of: fashion PR and museum curating. I wanted to have a space to share every experience: that is why "Amber's Mouthwash" originally came to be. I thought that "mouthwash" would be a perfect analogy: my blog would be my "rinsing out" of words. However, this space quickly morphed into a personal style journal instead of a personal journal. My "rinsing out" of words, soon became a "rinsing out" of my closet.
With time, we change. When I first started this blog in 2008, I wasn't quite sure what I wanted out of life, or where life would take me. I felt torn between two worlds that I desperately loved: art, and fashion. For years I had been told that I couldn't combine the two - that it had to be one or the other. This blog created an outlet where I could blend both in a beautiful harmony. I know that I have waxed poetic about our online presence before, and the existentialist reality that we have created for ourselves here. The title "Amber's Mouthwash" no longer reflects that reality for me.
One of the beautiful things about being human is that with each moment, we are presented the opportunity to reinvent ourselves. We are under no obligation to be the same person we were five minutes ago. While the concept may seem flighty, the core of the message resonates with me: we can achieve metamorphosis.
The changing of my blog name has already begun: as of this past Tuesday I changed my Facebook Page url. Over the next couple of weeks you will begin to see other changes as well: my Instagram, Twitter, Bloglovin' and Pinterest handles will change. It might get a little confusing. Some links might not work (although I am taking painstakingly detailed steps to minimize this as much as possible). And while it would have been a thousand times easier to just pick up and create another blog, and leave a message here saying "I've moved! Find me -> here!", I think all of us: you, me, and this blog itself deserves more than that.
So here's to an exciting new chapter! I cannot wait to show you what I've got in store!