Have you ever had a light go off in your mind, and suddenly it's as though everything just clicks? That's where I am this season - at least as far as my wardrobe goes. For as long as I can remember, I have always gravitated towards the bright, the bold, and the patterned items while shopping. However I think the best decision I have made this spring was to stick to the basics.
Don't get me wrong - I still very much love a fun cat print, or a bohemian velvet kimono (who wouldn't?). However I believe that my more adventurous clothing items from the past have spoken to a particular fear of mine: being invisible. Or perhaps, being forgettable. I have always been the quiet, shy girl... The nice one who usually is thought to be a pushover, the one who always let everyone else go first on the slide at recess, the sheltered girl from the conservative home, the one who had to find a creative way to make her mark - without having to say too much . In college I discovered that I could let my clothes do the talking for me. Clothing can say a lot about a person - and yet...they can also say nothing at all.
It's a slippery slope to wholly believe that clothing can define who we are. There are a lot of half-hearted inspirational quotes online that tell us that our satorial choices will either make or break the opinion of others. And while those sayings may have an ounce of truth, the foundation of those messages are still built upon judging a person by their appearance. It's a social paradigm that society hasn't been able to figure out: Is it okay to judge a person by how they look?
So much of how we present ourselves to the world is a uniform: think of the policeman, the fireman, the flight attendant. Think of the ever apparent fashion tribalism during Fashion Week. The trends, the magazines that tell us what is "in" for the season. Fashion can be an avenue that can communicate thoughts, ideals, or even spark a revolution. It can also be as simple as wanting to wear a deep v-neck tee that allows me to show off my favorite velvet bra while still feeling put together.
That's the fascinating thing about fashion; it's always open to interpretation. Oh, and the thing about sticking to the classics? Turns out, I had nothing to fear. I don't feel forgettable in basics at all. Instead, I'm finding that I now enjoy getting dressed more than ever. Why? It's easier.
In the spirit of joyful dressing, I've got a special for you: Save 50% off your first purchase with Tobi. They were kind enough to send over this top (and a couple other items) for me to share with you, and wanted to let you about their special. To get your 50% off deal, simply head over to their site and sign up for their mailing list to get your code. You'll have no shortage of items to shop from, with their awesome selection of Dresses, Rompers, and Maxi Dresses. Their clothing quality is comparable to boutique brands (think Lush and Level 99), and I can tell you know: It will be hard to find just one favorite!

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Tee: c/o Tobi // Jeans: Gap // Wristlette: c/o Tabdeer |
Photography: Sosatography