A Lifestyle blog based in Sonoma County, in the heart of Wine Country. Amber is an outspoken voice for local activism, local wine tourism, and more.

Outfit: Springtime in Paris

Back to a simpler time in Paris, 2019 - before the COVID-19/SARS-Co-V 2 pandemic, when the Louvre Museum was open to visitors, and the streets dotted with Parisians going about their daily lives. These were surreal times, my dears. Now three years later in May 2022 (I realize this is being published in June), Paris is again swelling under tourism, and it is I who am now deeply changed from the woman in these photos. In the four months that I have spent in Paris, I have crossed the street (below) several times - every time I think back to this day, these photos…When these images were taken I was in flight; broke up with an abusive boyfriend (whom I would later win a 5 year restraining order against in June 2020) and escaped to Paris without telling folks where I was headed. And now the Amber in Paris is one again fighting an entirely different abusive system. 

But no need to talk about that. If I could experience what I was when these photos were taken and still keep that glint in my eye; I know I can get it back again now.

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