While logically I know that it is not possible, I feel like I have gained a ton of weight in the past few days spent in Texas. A woman who had a case of food poisoning doesn't gain weight. Silly me. Nonetheless, liquid leggings are back and if there has ever been a time (besides summer) to avoid mindless snacking, my dear friends it is now. I honestly am really excited about them! Oooh the possibilities that these hold!
An effortless rocker-chic. A vamped up floral outfit, or even with plaid (via current Express ad campaign). I recently have been in a friendly "tumble" with a girl from Copenhagen, Denmark about whether or not skinny pants/jeans are still in style for the fall. Um...
I dunno, do those look "skinny" to you?
I guess they don't receive Vogue or Harper's Bazaar in Denmark. She stuck to her story of wide legged and flares being in for this season, which isn't entirely incorrect. However if we are to go the way of philosophical, skinnies are in the "more true" category. So, buy both!
With runways all over Paris, Milan, London and New York having been pranced on,
danced on and flounced on, a few things are clear: black lace is heading the race of what is in your face "now" and florals are
here to stay. can you imagine wearing a black lace pencil skit to the office? I
would love that! I would like to take the time to say that I have a teensy weensy prediction for Spring '08/Fall '09: wedge ankle boots. Let's see?
Strong "all grown up" female shilloutes are here for fall says Bazaar. Claiming that the cutesy girly frocks should be stashed. However, Valentino plays by his own rules, and I would like to thank him for this:
For some reason it reminds me of Wendy from Peter Pan. Which I find a bit strange, seeing as it looks nothing like a nightgown. Who cares! I love it. Just give me a windy subway, and a tough looking leather belt, and I'd be set.Purple is a really big color this fall - and bright jewel tones in general. Are you guys as excited about this fall as I am? Fall has always been my favorite season as far as fashion goes, and this year the designers really have me excited.
This week our company just picked up a new demin client: we get to do a complete company make-over for them. Part of the assinment? Wear their jeans and let them know what we think. So, everyone in the office scored 2 pairs of free jeans!!!