For those of you who know Texas, you now know that about 70% of our trip was driving! Each of those places are about 3-4 hours away from each other. San Antonio to Dallas is about 6-7. Still fun none the less. I got to meet both sides of the family. However, it was under drastically different circumstances, unfortunately.
The wedding was beautiful! But let me just say that a wedding in Texas in August, outside at ten am, not the greatest idea. So glad I had my hat!
While in Texas I tried to keep my eyes open for trends that were popular down there. Since I was mainly on the outskirts or large cities, or in the country, it proved a little difficult. But let me say that the health movement was not one of them. On a corner shop in Victoria, there was a sign for burgers that read "Extra LG Greasy Cheese Burgers". I wanted to take a picture so bad.
We would go to restaurants, and there would be nothing vegetarian on the menu! Not even the cheese dip. When people heard that I was vegetarian, I received blank stares - like it was incomprehensible. One guy (a groomsmen from the wedding), wanted to know if I was going to drink that afternoon, and since I didn't feel like it, said no. When he found out I was vegetarian, he's all "What the do you eat?? No beer? No meat? That's my diet!" LOL. He forgot to mention cigarettes. Every 20 minutes. And, 7 pints of beer.
So, no health trends. One trend that I did see were these zebra and giraffe print bags:
They're plastic-like with ribbed texture along the animail print. I've seen them with color accents of electric blue, green, pink and then orange. The woman that I used to work for just ordered them for her botique about a month ago. They seem much more popular in Texas than California. At least for now.
While in Texas I saw some of the biggest Targets and Wal-Marts, and people, that I have ever seen. I saw some of the cheapest food and gas prices that I have seen in a long time! .39 cents for a bunch of bananas (not per pound), and $3.49 for gas. It's still over $4 over here. Let me just say that Texas made me realize how much I have really missed Lousiana. I forgot about the muggy air and the hospitality. I had forgotten about the lush thick greenery everywhere, and the crickets that sung me to sleep, and the mourning doves that woke me up. The south has a way of awakening a romance in you. However, the south also made me realize just how blessed I am to live in the state I do. And also how lucky I have been to have lived in the states that I have: California, Hawaii, Nevada. I don't know about the rest of NV, but Las Vegas has a pretty strong health movement, much like Hawaii and California. I don't think I could not live in a state where fresh produce is not only enjoyed but demanded, or where trans fat is evil and something to be feared.
I had a blast in Texas - but sitting here, eating my blackberry, banana and oversized shredded wheat, no sugar added, 100% whole grain breakfast, I am happy to be home.