I spent an hour after work sitting at the mall, and decided that I had been sent on a mission to spot "new trends". And to also to take a mental note on every shoe that passed by. (Even interviewed a few people, on demin. Thank you Lila!)
Newest trend that's not so new? Ugly shoes. Yes, men still try to pick up girls, and Victoria Secret hasn't quite gotten it right. It's a bit obvisous why their sales are down (apparel now). When catering your marketing twoards the 14-20's crowd, it may come as a supprise that they don't have $50 to spend on a bra. The plethora of stiched Coach bags almost led me down the path of depression. For me Coach represents my mother. I remember being a little girl and growing up thinkin

As I stated earlier, I took a a mental note of everyone's shoes. Now, I know I vented earlier about wearing Uggs out and about in hot and sticky weather - so it would make sense that people would wear...slippers/flip-flops out instead, right? In my whole 80 mintues sitting at the mall, only once did I see a pair that did a foot justice. I understand that they're easy to slip on, that they're comfortable, etc. But, they don't work. Not for your outfit, not for my eyes, not for your skirt, shorts, and certainly not jeans. Now when I say slippers, I'm talking those you bought from Old Navy, your Locals (outside the Islands of course!), the ones that have molded to the shape of your foot. Now if you're wearing the jeweled ones from Aldo, by all means sister! Walk on!