A Lifestyle website by Amber Lucas: travel, wine, and culture.

In the Raw

Good morning!

Today is a day that I have absolutely nothing to do. I slept in, and wow, it felt wonderful (sleeping in for me is waking up at 9:30 - even on Sundays). Right now, I am sitting at my kitchen bar, listening to the soft hum of my dehydrator, Andrew Bird, and sipping on my pineapple, strawberry, orange breakfast. It is so beautiful outside! I have to find somewhere to go on my bike today. Perhaps I'll take Sir Francis to the park. We can eat carrots together.

The past two days at the museum have been adventurous: I almost got to try on a dress that was from 1830. It belonged to a woman who was the wife a senator here in California. Green and cream striped silk dress. And to be quite honest, it was pretty hot! Lot's of cleavage; very low cut and tight. The reason I didn't get to try it on was we discovered that the size of the sleeves were the size of my wrists. Damn! But hey! Just one step closer to my dream, right? I want the Met, the Antonio Ratti Textille Center, the Christian Dior, the Chanel collections. Just thinking of it puts me into a state of bliss. I have been dealing with a lot of bomb shelter items (Cold War) as well as WWII items. Get this: I came across this stuff called PermaBread. It stays fresh until you open it! I didn't believe until I was shown a can of the stuff - yup, still good to eat. But, no i didn't. That was a Cold War item. The most amazing to date, however was a WWII item: a Parachute Companion. What it is, is a 4x3 aluminum tin container, in the shape of a tuna can. Inside it contains: cigarettes, candy bar, chocolate bar, 4 pieces of gum, coffee, cheese and crackers (the dehydrated cheese stuff), water purification drops, and a can opener. All in this tiny can!

So, back to being raw. I never seem to stay away from it for too long. Or stay away from it completely, rather. It's...fun. It gives one a respect for food. I just wish it was more mainstream. I wish it was easier to find perfectly raw nuts, as well as seeds. Raw milk and cheese are fine, except I don't under any circumstances drink milk-ever. I will eat raw cheese. Go figure.
Tomorrow is back to the fashion internship, and I'm excited! I just acquired a new ring, and I am quite fond of it! Black and gold, in the shape of a shell, with crystals. I think I'll wear it to my internship tomorrow.
I wish I could bring more people to raw. So far I have gotten people to try it, but like the most of us, they don't like people advising them on what to eat, so they often go it alone. What happens is they end up living off of smoothies and salads, or eating carrots all day. Which then means, they end up trying raw for a max of three days and hate it. I need a raw buddy!
Stay Stylish!
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