Turns out, it can.
SO! Today I am handed a sheet with blank shirts on it. I am told to: Design. Yup! Design shirts for the company. AH!!!!

So. Design I did. Yes, I fumbled around in Illustrated and Photoshop. And then decided to put my Fine Art training to use, and grabbed a pen instead. Freedom!! So much fun. If any of my designs make it though, and into real physical form, I'll be sure to post!
So I was a bit high on life about that.
But then comes the question, "Would you be willing to model?" What? "There's a TV special on nest Wednesday on _____ and we need a model to show off the clothing while Molly is interviewed" AHHAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! "What's it for?" "A fashion show."
So, yes, I'll be there. And I will be recieving a copy of it when it airs. I'll post. Promise!
Oh - and I scored free clothes today!!!!
Sigh. C'est bon.