Ah, the holidays.
Do the holidays ever make you feel that way though? Cold, uncomfortable, a little slimy, and gripping alcohol at all costs? I'll admit that I have a hard time slowing down my thoughts: I often feel as though I am being pulled in several directions all at once, even when I'm sitting still. The feeling of being overwhelmed can often be exasperated during the holidays...to the point where it's easy to be lost in the hustle while missing it entirely.
I don't have any smart antidotes or quips to solve the quizzical happenstance that is the holiday season. Rather, I know that for many the Most Wonderful Time of The Year can be anything but. It can be a time when loved ones who are gone are missed the most. I also know that it can be a magical season. And for some (myself included), it's a strange mixture of both.
And while we're on the topic of strange - but happy mixtures, can we talk about newsboy caps and faux leather leggings? Because this outfit happened. Originally when getting dressed I had attempted to pair the sweater/jacket/cap combo with a pair of boyfriend jeans. If you can visualize the outfit in your head, you'll know that it was way too much fabric. I needed something to remind the world that there was a figure in there somewhere!
My Musse & Cloud boots were the perfect finishing touch; they are the style of the moment, being a mid-rise ankle boot. They bring a fun and modern twist to an outfit that could have easily went the way of frumpy. Which is a statement of the current sartorial times I think; everything in fashion feels so oversized lately. Have you noticed? As a result footwear has become more structured to balance everything out. Personally, I'm 100% on board.
I love the idea of a muted outfit during the holiday season; it almost feels bohemian to wear subdued tones while the surrounding parades of people are dressed in glittering gold, shimmering red, and ugly Christmas sweaters. Instead I wanted to focus on texture - how a wool sweater looks against a suede purse, or how much leather a girl can get away with in one outfit (a lot, apparently). I had fun with color too - essentially repeating colors in different tones.
But let's be real - I threw this together because I was cold, and didn't want to have to deal with my hair.
Have a great weekend lovelies!